Escuela Sinkumunchis - Maras

The first contact between Sinkumunchis and the Ccollana Baja community was in mid-April in 2022, when the Sinkumunchis founders met with Jair Huaman Gutierrez, who leads an organization for the youth of the community called “Juventud Maras Mosoq Yawar”. In this meeting and by seeing the structure and organization of the community, on top of beautiful soccer fields, it was evident that there was a great opportunity to develop an impactful project for the kids and young adults of the area.

After a lot of work in communicating and planning the school with the local leaders, once the project was approved, a registration event was held which resulted in more than 200 students registered in one day. Classes kicked off in September, becoming in immediate fashion Sinkumunchis’ largest school.

Sinkumunchis’ Maras school impacts estimately around 5000 people who live in 4 different communities. Separately, the school invites people from nearby communities who can access Sinkumunchis’ programs.

Number of participants

Registered players

Number of players registered for Sinkumunchis' Maras school

Daily Attendance

Daily attendance registered from 10/10/22 to 12/7/2022

Schedules and training program

Tournaments and competitions

Inaugural Sinkumunchis inter-district tournament - see results here!